Vegan MOFO: Best-Ever Tofu Scramble

Since I became vegan I’ve been making tofu scrambles, but I have not been making good tofu scrambles.

They were lacking flavor, they sometimes had weird flavors. They were edible, but not good. And vegans were always saying how AMAZING tofu scrambles were… I felt like I was missing out on something.

Well, I didn’t earn a master’s degree for nothing. If there is one thing I know how to do it’s research. In my research I discovered/realized a few key things:

      1. Use silken tofu! Why I always used firm, no idea.


      2. Marinate the tofu! I always marinate it in all other circumstances, why not here?


    3. Go simple with the spices, don’t kitchen sink it.

So without further ado…

Best-Ever Tofu Scramble


1 block silken tofu
1/2 cup white wine
2 tablespoons or so of soy sauce
Turmeric Powder, Cumin, Salt, Fresh Pepper
I onion
1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
2 carrots, grated
Black Beans

And/Or: Curry powder, garlic powder, herbs fresh or dried
Sliced Black Olives
Cherry Tomatoes
Mushrooms of any kind
Etc. etc. etc.

Start sautéing onions in some olive oil in a wide, preferably non stick skillet.
Meanwhile put your tofu in a bowl and mash it until no chunks remain, then sprinkle with salt, pepper, turmeric and soy sauce. Add white wine and mix all together. Let sit and return to your skillet. Slice all your veggies into smallish pieces and grate your carrots. Always start with your most firm veggies, however all the ones I listed above are fairly soft.
Add black beans after veggies are soft, and then add tofu last.
Taste for seasoning and sauté a bit more, then enjoy!
This is really good with hash browns, in a crepe or a breakfast burrito.

Day two: check! See you tomorrow for Day three! You will love this next recipe.

This entry was posted in black beans, breakfast, Gluten-Free, onion, scramble, tofu, tomato, vegan and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Vegan MOFO: Best-Ever Tofu Scramble

  1. veghotpot says:

    mmm looks good! My tofu scramble is always a bit bland. I use firm tofu too and probably lacks flavour because I just chuck in some dried herbs and hope for the best haha. Will try your version!

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